How to Bargain in Hong Kong

1. First thing you have to know is that if there isn't a price tag on an item, the seller is open to bargaining (even if there's a price tag on it, there's no harm in asking for a lower price!)

2. NEVER buy the first thing you see, as there will most likely be another shop down the street selling the exact same thing for half the price or less! ALWAYS shop around before purchasing; you'll be shocked as to how much the price can fluctuate for the same item from one store to another.

2. The price offered will always be three times more than what it's worth, if not more! The reason is that sellers know you're not a local, which also means they know you earn money in another country which has a far greater currency. They know that even if they mark up their price by 300%, you'll still think it's cheap in comparison to buying stuff in your own country cause of the exchange rate.

3. Knowing that, you won't feel like a "cheap tight arse" and bargain til you're happy with the price and think it's worth that much.

4. The best way to bargain is to ask yourself what you think an item is worth. Once you know, simply tell the seller you'll pay however much you think it's worth. They'll most likely say "nnnnooooOOOOO!" and come back with a ridiculous amount that's nowhere near your offer. If that happens, simply say "nah too expensive" and walk away. If your offer was reasonable, they will come after you within three seconds of walking away. If not, that probably means that your offer was too close to or even below their profit margin. At least that will give you an idea of how much the item is worth, and using that to your advantage, find the next store that sells that item and increase your offer to the next reasonable price you're willing to pay. (Christopher Lee)

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